Bewertung IA0000073921 zu:ATOIT Memorysolution

1 Bewertung

Everything was OK, except for the sending costs : what a big price for just a memory !!! I got a printer from the Netherdands that weighs 28 kgs and I payed 12€50 (it was from through GLS) and more over I could track the printer. That was not the case with your memory. You already told me that it was because you send a few items to Belgium but it is also the case with One more suggestion : your website should also be in English, it's easier for international customer.

Antwort von ATOIT Memorysolution
Durch unsere geringen Aufkommen an Auslandssendungen, haben wir keine guten Versandkonditionen für Auslandssendungen. Wir planen dieses aber in der Zukunft zu verbessern, auch eine Englischer Shop-Oberfläche ist in Planung! Because of our low level of international service, we do not have good shipping rates for international shipments. We plan to improve this but in the future, including an English shop-surface is planned!

Durch unsere geringen Aufkommen an Auslandssendungen, haben wir keine guten Versandkonditionen für Auslandssendungen. Wir planen dieses aber in der Zukunft zu verbessern, auch eine Englischer Shop-Oberfläche ist in Planung! Because of our low level of international service, we do not have good shipping rates for international shipments. We plan to improve this but in the future, including an English shop-surface is planned!